Sunday, July 7, 2013

Recipe List 8.7.13

I'm back to uni today! I've had a good couple of weeks off but I think I'm ready to have a bit more structure back into my life. It also means that I will need to plan my blog posts a little more to make sure that I always have some recipes to share with you!

Because I'm back at uni, I thought that my focus for the recipe list this week would be on lunches. With my timetable this semester I will have a combination of lunches at home and at uni so I thought that I would do a couple of each.

The other focus is because I have already done my weekly shop, I will try to use up things that I already have in my pantry.

I saw this idea for baking an egg in half of an avocado a while ago. While it isn't really avocado season, I paid a little bit more for one this week as for some reason I just really wanted avocado. This could either be one of my lunches at home or I could make it and have it cold at uni. I think though that I will have it warm at home.

To use up the rest of the avocado, this salad looks delicious. This is something that will work really well packaged up and taken to uni.

I saw this tutorial on how to use sardines on Kath Eats, a blog I follow. It really piqued my curiosity so when I was at the supermarket I went for it and grabbed a tin. I'm now really really nervous about trying it but I will give it a go. This one will most definitely be a lunch at home so that I can have a back up in case.

I tend to keep a tin of chickpeas on hand as I find them useful for lots of different things. Whiz them up into hummus, throw them into a stir fry or casserole.... I have even made a few delicious sweet treats with them. I have been eyeing up these nacho roasted chickpeas so I might have to put that tin to good use.

And with the leftover chickpeas, I think I will smash them up for a tasty sandwich. While I couldn't eat one everyday there is something very satisfying about a decent sandwich.

If your back at uni like I am I hope that you have a great first week. Let me know if you have a go at any of these recipes and what you think!

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