
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

WIAW #5- Study Edition

I spent all of Monday studying for an exam that I had yesterday, so I thought that I would theme this weeks What I Ate Wednesday around this. I find that with studying it is very easy to get fed up and mindlessly wander to the pantry, so over the weekend I stocked up on brain foods and prepared some delicious snacks for me to munch away on.
Breakfast was some choc-berry breakfast soft serve. This was pretty much a frozen banana, some frozen berries and cocoa powder all whizzed up. To give me a little more staying power I also had a cookie ball.

I find that snacking during study is important for me as I definitely cannot study if my stomach is rumbling! My snack was some crackers with brie and tomato and a Ryvita with some peanut butter. 

I also make sure that I include plenty of fresh fruits and veges to my diet. The peaches are so delicious at the moment so I added one to my morning snack.

 Lunch included more vegetables in the form of some leftover spinach and feta pie and some cumin roast veggies. On the side I had some bean salad.

After quite a few hours of studying I was feeling a bit drained. My snack was some celery sticks and hummus and some grapes...... as well as a wee study treat.....

This amazing raw freezer brownie!!!! It was so good and fudgy and yummy that I ended up eating two pieces. Not that it mattered as this was jam packed full of healthy nuts. Recipe to come tomorrow.

Finally my dinner was some beautiful,omega 3 filled fish. I crumbed and pan fried this and had it with some chips and coleslaw. Simple but so yummy.

So here are my top study tips....
1. Break the study that you need to do up in to manageable chunks. For example, the course that I was studying had four modules so I focused on one module at a time.
2. Give yourself breaks in between the chunks. Breaks are so important for me! I take 15-20 minutes and completely separate myself from the work by doing things like having a hot drink and a flick through a magazine, doing some exercise or even some housework.
3. Surround yourself with good food!! I try to eat as much fresh food as possible to help to avoid any sugar slumps
4. Treat yourself. Have something to look forward to at the end of your study day, whether it be a movie, a pamper session or something really nice to eat. The thought of my freezer brownie helped keep me going a bit longer.... but maybe that's just me.

I hope this post helped all of you out there studying. Love your veggies!


  1. Your breakfast looks awesome! I see versions of banana soft-serve on so many blogs, but for some reason I still haven't tried it! I need to get on that ASAP

  2. Yummy eats! Looks like you are fueling your brain with some awesome food. :)

  3. I totally agree: study snacks are essential!

  4. Where on earth did you find a ripe, yummy peach?

    AND where did you find that individual baba ghanoush???

    1. Unfortunately it will take a trip to New Zealand to get both of these at the moment. The peach was picked up from my local farmer's market and the baba ghanoush hummus was just from the supermarket
