
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

WIAW and I want your input!

Read down the bottom to choose what sweet treat to vote for...

Maybe its just me but I find it quite interesting reading about what other people eat, so inspired by some of the other food blogs that I read I am doing my very own What I Ate Wednesday (WIAW).

The first thing that I did this morning was get up and have a big glass of lemon water. I have just started doing and find that it helps me to wake up. If I can I have it beside my bed for the morning. For breakfast I made an Apple Quinoa Flake bake from Healthful Pursuit.
(Image courtesy of Healthful Pursuit)

I've been wanting to try one of these for a while but didn't have any Quinoa Flakes. I got some from the health food store yesterday and was pleasantly surprised by this. It was quite cake-like and so easy to make in the microwave. I finished that off with a Green Tea which I am loving at the moment.

My morning snack was banana crunch. That is a sliced banana with some Homemade Peanut Butter Granola (Muesli in NZ) and a nice cup of tea.

In between these I made afghan slice as it is my boyfriends favourite and I made magic slice for my family.

I didn't get hungry again until about 2pm (probably due to nibbling at baking offcuts). I was in a very vege sort of mood so I had a hummus and vegetable pita and a pear.

Tea was open faced chicken burgers with beetroot cream from the August edition of Recipes + magazine. These were really good so I think that I may have to share the recipe sometime soon. In my opinion burgers need to be served with some sort of chips and some sort of salad, so I had oven baked wedges and coleslaw on the side.

And to finish off my day of food I had some steamed fruit pudding with a chocolate sauce also from Recipes +. It wasn't the best steamed pudding I have ever had but it was pretty good.

So readers, if you are out there I'm giving you the chance to have a say into what I am going to put on my blog. You can either choose the recipe for afghan slice or the recipe for magic slice. Vote by posting a comment for the slice of your choice. The winner will be the one with the most posts by next Thursday.

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